Accession Jar Version

The Accession program is available on the Open2Dprot server 

or from the mirror server at 

After you have downloaded and installed the program, you can update 
it quickly by having Accession copy the Accession .jar file from the Web
server using the (File | Update from Web server | Accession program) 
menu command. After you do the update, you need to restart the
program to use the new version.

Until futher notice, Accession is to be considered pre-alpha-level
code until it is officially released. This means that there may be 
some functionality not fully implemented, that works incorrectly, 
or that has changed. New commands and functionality are in the 
process of being added. Please report problems and suggestions to us.

1. Full download installation Accession version 0.15
Revised: 12-21-2005

2. Update Accession program (Accession.jar) version 0.15
Revised: 12-21-2005