Open2Dprot (PDF) documents
There are a number of Adobe Acrobat PDF formated documents and slide
shows available for the open2Dprot project.
If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, you can download it for free from
The following lists some of the top-level PDF documents you may
download. As others are created, they will be added to this list.
Note: see lists of PDF documents for specific pipeline modules in the
list of Sub Projects.
US HUPO 2006 Poster on Open2Dprot given at 2nd US HUPO
Symposium, March 12-15, 2006, Boston, Mass, USA.
Open2Dprot XML schema description (working document)
Seminar handout (Protein Interest Group, NIH) Seminar 3-17-2005.
- Poster
HUPO USA 3/13-16/2005 Poster on Open2Dprot given at 1st HUPO USA
Symposium, March 13-16,2005, Crystal City, Virginia, USA.
Current Overview (full size)
(PDF) of the Open2Dprot project. Smaller versions are
2 panels/page and
6 panels/page.
The Open2Dgel
project. Poster given at 2nd annual HUPO congress, Oct 8-11, 2003,
Montreal, Canada.
Additional documents for each pipeline module
More detailed PDF, HTML and javadoc documents are available for
individual pipeline modules.
Contact us
Revised 3/12/2006