Accession Reference Manual

Accession Reference Manual

The following description will tell you what the options are for the Accession and how to run the program - both interactively and from the command line. If you interact with it through the windowing system, then Figure 1 shows a screen view of the Accession reporting window.

Accession Report Window

Figure 1. Screen view of the Accession program Report Window interface This screen shot shows the Accession Report Window graphical user interface after starting. There are four pull-down menus at the top of the window: File, Edit, View and Help. There is a row of command buttons and other controls on the bottom of the window. There is a text-report region in the middle of the window that will contain messages, reports and other output from the program. The command buttons Clear and SaveAs respectively clear and save the contents of the report region into a text file. The Edit options button changes the default command line options for the Accession program. The Accession button will popup an accession information editing window for the currently selected sample (File | Open Sample for editing). [See File menu for more information of selecting samples]. The ROI button will popup a Region Of Interest (ROI) editing window for the currently selected sample. The Calibrate pull-down choice will will popup a grayscale calibration editing window for the currently selected sample. There are four calibration choices: Calibrate wedge, Calibrate spot list, Calibrate by file, Calibrate manual data.

1. Introduction

Accession is an open source Java 2D sample accessioning program for entering new samples into the Open2Dprot database. It allows you to associate (currently limited) experiment information with the sample, define regions of interest (for spot segmentation, wedge calibration, etc.), and to calibration image grayscale (if images are used) with particular calibration values (e.g. Optical Density) if a calibration is available. It is part of the Open2Dprot project ( Accession is similar to the derived the the GELLAB-II 2D gel spot pairing program getacc described in the GELLAB-II reference manual. Accession has been generalized to other types of samples besides 2D gels. While the original program was written in C, Accession is written in Java, uses XML input and output files and has an optional graphical user interface. This initial open-source Accession program code could be used as the basis for more advance spot pairing methods. Currently the accession file is accession.xml and is stored in the project "project"/xml/ directory.

The program may be run either interactively (-gui) or under an OS shell command line interface to implement batch (-nogui). If the default -gui mode is used, after the spot pairing is finished, the user has the option of interactively examining the paired spot data overlayed on the original sample images. The user may also modify the input switch options and save the new options in a "" file in the current project directory when they exit so that the last used options may be used as the default switch options in subsequent running of Accession.

Project directory structure for Open2Dprot and Accession

All Open2Dprot programs assume a project directory structure. This must exist for the program to proceed. You can either create the structure prior to running any of the programs or you can create it on the fly using the -projDir:user-project-directory. It will lookup and/or create the following sub-directories inside of theuser-project-directory.

    batch/ directory holding temporary batch files - [NOT USED by Accession]
    cache/ directory holding temporary CSD cache files - [NOT USED by Accession]
    ppx/ directory holding your original gel input files
    rdbms/ directory holding CSD database RDBMS files - [NOT USED by Accession]
    tmp/ directory holding generated sample image files    
    xml/ directory that holds  accession DB, landmark DB,
             SSF spot-list files, and generated SPF paired spot list file
             generated by Accession

The use of these directories is discussed in the rest of this document.

Accession database file

The sample and reference samples to be paired is specified by its image file name using the -sample and -rsample switches with or without the file extension (e.g., -sample:plasma27.tif or -sample:plasma27). The file extension is determined by looking up the image in the ppx/ project subdirectory at run time.

The application looks up the sample in the accession database (in xml/accession.xml or as specified using the -accessionFile switch) and gets additional information about the sample. The Open2Dprot pipeline module is used for entering samples into the accession database.

[Status: The Open2Dprot Accession module program is not released yet. The accession database could be edited manually as either XML (accession.xml), or tab-delimited text (accession.txt) with Excel.]

There may be images associated with the samples that can be used with the ROI image viewer. This is the case if the spots are to derived from real images (e.g., 2D gels) or virtual images (e.g., from synthesized 2D LC-MS data), etc. These images may be in TIFF (.tif, .tiff), JPEG (.jpg), GIF (.gif), or PPX (.ppx GELLAB-II) format. TIFF images may be 8-bits/pixel through 16-bits/pixel, whereas JPEG, GIF, and PPX are 8-bit images. Gray values in the image files have black as 0. This is mapped after reading to 0 for white and the maximum pixel value for black.

The input sample image files, if any, are kept in the user-project-directory/ppx/ sub-directory. This database directory structure is consistent with and is used by the other Open2Dprot analysis pipeline programs.

2. Editing Methods

There are three editing methods: accession information,/A> editing, Region Of Interest editing in the image (if relevant for the types of samples you are using), and grayscale calibration editing.

2.1 Accession information editing popup window

All samples in the accession database must have their associated information defined. Currently, this is defined using the Accession information editing popup window. After editing this data, the accession database should be saved. It is also saved on exiting from the Accession program. [Note: when the new MIAPE standard is integrated with Open2Dprot, the Accession program will be replaced or modified to take this into account].

Accession information edit popup window

Figure 2.1 Screen view of the Accession information popup editing Window interface. This screen shot shows the Accession Information editor popup Window graphical user interface after starting. You must set the current sample prior to starting this editor. There are three pull-down menus at the top of the window: File, Edit, and Help. There is a row of command buttons and other controls on the bottom of the window. There is a scrollable list of Accession DB field names on the left (non-editable) and their corresponding values (editable) on the right. The Checkbox off Use log checkbox also copies local text output to the main Accession Report window. The Reset Defaults button resets the values to what they were when you first started editing with this popup window. The Done button saves any changes and exits this popup information editor. The Cancel button does NOT save any changes and exits this popup information editor.

2.1.1 Pull-down menus in the accession information editing popup window

The menu bar a the top of the Accession Information editing Window contains three menus. The menu notation is specified in Section 5.

  1. Accession Info File menu - to open the options in editing the sample information.
  2. Accession Info Edit menu - to set or clear various editing field options.
  3. Accession Info Help menu - provide documentation on the Accession information editing window. Accession Info File menu Accession Info Edit menu

These commands are used to change various defaults for the accession information being edited for the current sample. Accession Info Help menu

These commands are used to request information about Accession information editing.

2.2 Region of Interest (ROI) editing

This popup window allows region of interest editing. These are used for calibration in the Accession program and also for defining these regions for their definition for the accession database. If no regions of interest are needed, this step may be skipped.

Region Of Interest edit window

Figure 2.2 Screen view of the Region Of Interest (ROI) popup editing Window interface. This screen shot shows an example of the popup ROI editing Window graphical user interface after starting. ROIs may be used in some circumstances and may not be required in others. There are two ROIs: the image computing window ROI used to specify where the image segmenter is to look for spots to detect; and gray scale wedge calibration ROI used to specify a grayscale calibration wedge (if available in the image). You must set the current sample prior to starting this editor. There are five pull-down menus at the top of the window: File, View, Roi, Spot list, and Help. There is a row of command buttons and other controls on the bottom of the window. There is a local ROI reporting window at the top. There is a scrollable image in the center of the ROI editor. The are several overlay option checkboxes: Draw ROIDraw ROI, Draw CW ROIDraw CW ROI, and Draw Calibration ROIDraw CAL ROI. These may also be set from the View menu. The Checkbox onUse log checkbox is used to also copy local output to the main Accession Report window. The Save image button saves the image window with the overlays you have specified into a local GIF image file. The Done button saves any changes and exits this popup ROI editor. The Cancel button does NOT save any changes and exits this popup ROI editor.

2.2.1 Pull-down menus in the Region Of Interest (ROI) editing popup window

The menu bar a the top of the ROI editing Window contains three menus. The menu notation is specified in Section 5.

  1. ROI editing File menu - to open the options in editing the sample information.
  2. ROI editing View menu - to set or clear various viewing options.
  3. ROI editing Roi menu - to assign, clear, or operate on various ROI options.
  4. ROI editing Spot list menu - to set or clear various spot list manipulation options.
  5. ROI editing Help menu - provide documentation on the ROI editing window. ROI editing File menu ROI editing View menu

These commands are used to change various defaults for the accession ROI being edited for the current sample. ROI editing Roi menu

These commands are used to request information about Accession ROI editing. ROI editing Spot List menu

These commands are used to request information about Accession spot list measurement editing. ROI editing Help menu

These commands are used to request information about Accession ROI editing.

2.3 Grayscale calibration editing

If the samples have associated images, it is sometimes important to calibrate the grayscale of the images with a standard calibration. This is especially important if the stains/dyes or scanner are non-linear to avoid saturation effects in spot quantification. If no grayscale calibration is needed, this step may be skipped.

Calibration edit window

Figure 2.3 Screen view of the Grayscale Calibration popup editing Window interface. This screen shot shows the Grayscale Calibration editor popup Window graphical user interface after starting. You must set the current sample prior to starting this editor. There are four pull-down menus at the top of the window: File, View, Edit, and Help. There is a row of command buttons and other controls on the bottom of the window. There is a small text reporting area at the top. There is a grayscale histogram on the left showing various calibration histograms with associated peak values (OD step-wedge histogram shown). There is an editable table on the right where you can have the calibration program estimate the peaks which are then saved in the table. There are other options decribed below. right. The Analyze wedge ROI button computes the grayscale histogram of the wedge in the sample image and updates the table on the right with the histogram peaks that were found. You must have defined the Wedge ROI prior to invoking this calibration popup editor. The Add peak button adds a peak value to the table on the right if you have selected a peak with the mouse in the histogram prior to pressing this button. It will insert a peak if the value you select is between two existing peaks. It redraws the histogram and calibration curve. The Delete peak button deletes a peak value to the table on the right if you have selected a peak with the mouse in the histogram prior to pressing this button. It will remove a peak if the value you select is between two existing peaks. It redraws the histogram and calibration curve. The Refresh map from table button refreshes the histogram. This is useful if you manually edit the table. The Save calibration button saves the calibration in the accession database. The checkbox offUse log checkbox also copies local text output to the main Accession Report window. The Done button saves any changes and exits this popup calibration editor. The Cancel button does NOT save any changes and exits this popup calibration editor.

2.3.1 Pull-down menus in the grayscale calibration editing popup window

The menu bar a the top of the Grayscale Calibration editing Window contains three menus. The menu notation is specified in Section 5.

  1. File menu - to open the options in editing the sample calibration
  2. View menu - to set or clear various view overlay options.
  3. Edit menu - to set or clear various editing field options.
  4. Help menu - provide documentation on the Grayscale Calibration editing window. File menu Calibration View menu

These commands are used to change various overlay options for the grayscale calibration being edited for the current sample. Calibration Edit menu

These commands are used to change various defaults for the grayscale calibration being edited for the current sample. Calibration Help menu

These commands are used to request information about grayscale calibration.

3. Running Accession and specifying parameter options via the command line

The program may be run either interactively (-gui) with a graphical user interface (GUI) or under an OS shell command to implement batch (-nogui) depending on how it was started. In the former case, after the spot pairing is finished, the user has the option of interactively assigning the accession fields using one or more of the popup windows: Accession, ROI and Calibrate. The user may also modify the input switch options and save the new options in a "" file in the current project directory so that it may be used as the default switch options in subsequent running of the program. [Status: the file is not enabled.] All options including the input reference sample and other sample to be paired are specified via GNU/Unix style switches on the command line (-switch{optional ':parameters'} and its negation as -noswitch). However, if GUI mode is used, you can interactively specify the switches and their options. It is assigned previously by software that generated the SSF spot lists.

The computing window region of interest

The computing window is a rectangular region or interest in the SSF spot list (real or virtual) image where data is considered to be valid. Spots in this region should be paired. Any spots outside of this region are ignored.

The computing window is defined as [x1:x2, y1:y2]. You can set the computing window using the -cw:x1,x2,y1,y2 command line switch. If you have not defined it or it is not defined in the accession database (if the -accessionFile option is used), it is defined as [0:pixWidth-1 x 0:pixHeight-1] where the virtual image is of size pixWidth x pixHeight.

[STATUS: The computing window for each sample entry is defined in the accession database. The Accession program will allow users to define the computing window.]

Local Folders and files created and used by Accession

When Accession is first started, it will check for the following folders and files in the installation directory and create them if they can not be found.

If you specify an image to be semented, it will check whether it is in a ppx/ subdirectory. If not, it will ask you if you want to create a project directory and will then set up the following four directories and copy your image into the ppx/ directory. You can also use the -projDir:user-project-directory switch to specify a (possibly new) project directory.

Accession command-line arguments switch usage

The command line arguements usage is:

     Accession  [< optional switches >]
The complete
list of switches is given later in this manual and as well as some examples of typical sets of switches. The user defined default switches may be specified as a resource string '' file saved in the project directory. For example:

    Accession -rsample:gel-HM-19 -sample:gel-HM-071 -project:demo/ -gui

Options wizard window for setting the command line switches

If you invoke the Edit options button in the Report window (or from the Edit menu), it will popup an options wizard shown in Figure 5 to let you set or change the switch options and then to save these as the new default switch options. The default is saved in the file when you exit program.

Popup options wizard

Figure 5. Screen view of the popup options wizard window for setting the command line switches, parameter and specifying input samples to be paired. All of the switches are available in the scrollable window. Switches are checked if they are enabled and if the switch requires a value, the current value is shown in the data entry window to its right. On the right there may be several threshold sliders for the upper sizing values for several parameters. In the middle, are several Browse buttons to use for specifying a different samples (-rsample: and -sample:), and directories. Clicking on any switch will show a short help message associated with that switch at the top of the window. Pressing the Done button will pass the new options values back to Accession. Note: aklthough you can use the options wizard to change the Rsample and Sample, it is easier to use the menu comands in the Files menu.

Updating Accession from the Open2Dprot Web server using -update switch

As new versions of Accession are developed and put on the Web server, a more efficient way of updating your version is to use the -update commands. There are four options:

        -update:program      to update the program jar file
        -update:demo         to update the demonstration files
        -update:doc          to update the documentation files
        -update:all          to update all of the above
After updating the program, it should be exited and restarted for the new program to take effect.

Increasing the allowable memory used by Accession

If you are working with very large images that require a lot of memory, you might want to increase the memory available at startup.

If you are using the Windows Accession.exe file or clicking on the Accession.jar file, you can't change the default startup memory.

However, if you are using the Accession.jar in a script using the java interpreter as in the following example which uses the -Xmx256M (specifying using 256Mbytes at startup). Change 256 to a larger size if you want to increase startup memory.

   java -Xmx256M -jar Accession.jar {additional command line args}

4. Command and Report Window - the command center

Accession is designed to be used efficiently in a batch mode with minimal command line output. It is also designed to optionally provide a graphical user interface (GUI) which creates a Report Window that captures a report of the spot pairing output as well as additional output directed to it by the user. There are a set of pull-down menus as well as a set of buttons for often used functions.

All logged output is sent to the report window in a scrollable text window that may be saved or used for cut and paste operations. A set of command buttons at the bottom of the window are replicates of commands in the menus, but are easier to access. They include the following functions:

5. Main pull-down menus in the Accession Graphical User Interface (GUI)

The menu bar a the top of the Report Window contains four menus.
  1. File menu - to open the samples to be paired and other file operations.
  2. Edit menu - to change invoke various editing and other options including command line switches, computing window, and memory size
  3. View menu - to view accession data from the accession database.
  4. Help menu - popup Web browser documentation on the Accession program.

Menu notation

In the following menus, selections that are sub-menus are indicated by a 'Indicates that the
menu has a submenu'. Selections prefaced with a 'Checkbox on' and indicate 'Checkbox off' indicate that the command is a checkbox that is enabled and disabled respectively. Selections prefaced with a 'Checkbox on' and indicate 'Checkbox off' indicate that the command is a multiple choice "radio button" that is enabled and disabled respectively, and that only one member of the group is allowed to be on at a time. The default values set for an initial database are shown in the menus. Selections that are not currently available will be grayed out in the menus of the running program. The command short-cut notation C-key means to hold the Control key and then press the specified key.

5.1 File menu

These commands are used to open the samples to be paired and other file operations. The current menus and the menu commands (non-working commands have a '*' prefix) are listed below. You can use either the "Edit options" button to popup the Options Window editor to change the input samples or the (File menu | Open Rsample) and (File menu | Open Sample) commands.

5.2 Edit menu

These commands are used to change various defaults. These are saved when you save the state and when you exit the program.

5.3 View menu

This menu contains commands to inspect accession database data.

5.4 Help menu

These commands are used to invoke popup Web browser documentation on Accession. Some of the commands will load local documentation in the the GUI report window.

The documentation is kept on the Internet at Normally, these help commands should pop up a Web browser that directly points to the Accession Web page. If your browser is not configured correctly, it may not be able to be launched directly from the Accession program. Instead, just go to the Web site with your Web browser and look up the information there.

6. Downloading, installing and running Accession

The installation packages are available for download from the SourceForge Files mirror. Look for the most recent release named "". These releases include the program (both as Windows .exe file and a .jar file), required jar libraries, demo data, Windows batch and Unix shell scripts. Download the zip file and put the contents where you want to install the program. Note that there is a Accession.exe (for Windows program). You might make a short-cut to this to use in more easily starting the program. Alternatively, you can use the sample .bat and .sh scripts to run the program explicitly via the java interpreter. Note that this method assumes that you have Java installed on your computer and that it is at least JDK (Java Development Kit) or JRE (Java Runtime Environment) version 1.5.0. If you don't have this, you can download the latest version free from the Website.

Startup Accession icon

Figure 6. Startup icon for Accession.exe in Windows. Clicking on the icon starts Accession. To start Accession, click on the startup icon shown in Figure 6 below - or you can run the demo-Accession.bat script. For Unix systems including MacOS-X, you can start Accession from the command line by clicking on the Accession.jar file or using the script. You could make short-cuts (Windows) or symbolic-links in Unix to make it easier to start.

6.2 Requirements: minimum hardware and software requirements

A Windows PC, MacIntosh with MacOS-X, a Linux computer or a Sun Solaris computer having a display resolution of at least 1024x768. We find that a 1024x768 is adequate, but a 1280x1024 screen size much better since you can see the Popup Report window, Options window, and Accession, ROI or Calibration window at the same time. At least 30 Mb of memory available for the application is required and more is desirable for comparing large images or performing transforms. If there is not enough memory, it will be unable to load the images, the transforms may crash the program or other problems may occur.

An Internet connection is required to download the program from the Open2Dprot Accession Web site. New versions of the program and associated demo data will become available on this Web site and can be uploaded to your computer using the various (File | Update | ...) menu commands. If you have obtained the installer software that someone else downloaded and gave to you, then you do not need the Internet connection to install the program. We currently distribute Accession so that it uses up to 256Mb. See discussion on increasing memory by editing the demo- startup scripts.

6.3 Files included in the download

The following files are packaged in the distribution you install. you can periodically a (File | Update from Web server | ... program) menu command to update the files from the Web server.

7. List of the command line switches

The command line usage is:

    Accession  [< optional switches >]
where the order of arguments is not relevant. In the following list, items in bold are specific values which must be used (e.g., for -inputFormat:{X | T}, whereas variable values in italics indicate that a numeric value for that variable should be used. Some switches have several alternate fixed choices in which case this indicated as a list of bolded items inside of a set of '{...}' with '|' separating the items. You must pick one of the items and do not include the '{}' brackets. Also, do NOT include any extra spaces in the arguments of the switch - it will be counted as if it were another switch.

Command line switches

-accessionFile:accFile to overide the default accession
      database file.  (Default is -noaccessionFile:accession.xml).

-backupDatabases makes backups of the accession and landmark databases "+
      "if they are edited. (Default is -commutativeLMS).

-debugBits:bits,optLandmarkNbr dumps various conditional
      debugging parameters onto the report window.  The 'bits' are the
      debug bits specified as either octal or decimal and enable
      particular debugging output if the program was compiled with
      debugging enabled.  (Default is -nodebug).

-default sets the default switches to a specific configuration:+
         -inputFormat:X -projDir:demo/,
      This disables -demo if it was set. (Default -nodefault).

-demo sets the default switches and sample input sample to a specific 
      configuration. This may be overriden by turning off the -demo
      switch in the Options Wizard.

-dtd adds the XML DTD file in the output XML file. (Default is -nodtd).
-gui to start the spot pairing with a popup Graphical User Interface
      rather than in batch mode. This captures messages from Accession.
      You can then cut and paste the results or save it to a text
      file.  The GUI is also used to change the switch options, re-run
      the spot pairing and view images after each analysis.  (Default
      is -nogui).

-inputFormat: defines the input formats for
      the accession database file accMode). Where mode is: 'T'
      for tab-delimited (.txt) data, and 'X' for XML (.xml) data.
      (Default is -noinputFormat:X)

-projDir:alternate project directory path to specify the
       project directory to use instead of the default 'demo/' file in
       the installation directory. (Default is -noprojDir).

-propertiesFile:alternate '' file to specify
       the alternate startup properties file to use instead of the
       default '' file. (Default is

-rsample: is the reference sample.

-sample: is the Sample to be paired with the Rsample.

-timer enables a timer to capture processing times for each step.
       (Default is -notimer).

-update:{all | program | demo | doc} specifies that all of the
       Accession files, the program jar files, the documentation files
       or the demonstration files should be updated from the
       Open2Dprot Web server.  The program should be exited and
       restarted after updating the program for this to take
       effect. (Default is -noupdate).

-usage prints all of the switches. (Default is -nousage).

7.1 Examples of some typical sets of switches

The following shows a few examples of useful combinations of command
line switches.

Any case-independent switch may be negated by preceeding it with
a 'no' eg. '-notimer'.

The command line syntax used to invoke it is:

     Accession [< opt.-switches >]

The following examples using switches might be useful:

     Accession -gui -project:demo/
  # Start Accession and load the accession database from the demo project.

     Accession -rsample:gel-HM-019 -sample:gel-HM-071 -gui -project:demo/
  # Start Accession with two samples already in the accession database

7.2 Debug option bits for the -debug switch

The following are the orthogonal octal -debug option code bits. This means you can add them together (in octal) and use that computed octal number (it will also accept decimal). The -debug:bits,landmarkNbr option is meant only for serious programmers reading or modifying the source code.

Debugging option bits used with the "-dbug:" command line command

The following are the orthogonal -debug option code bits in octal.
This means you can add them together (in octal) and use that number.

         Octal code   Methods traced
         ==========   ================
bit:            01 =  -free-
bit:            02 =  -free-
bit:            04 =  -free-
bit:           010 =  -free-
bit:           020 =  -free-

8. Demonstrations


8.1 Examples - samples of screen shots

To give the flavor of running the spot pairing program, we provide a few screen shots of the graphical user interfaces and some images generated by the program.

You can these images in the list below or view all of the screen shots in a single Web page.

8.2 Example - output of the Report Window

The following Report Window output was generate for the images in the above example.

8.3 Examples - using command line processing for batch

It is possible to run the Accession from the command line in your operating system. We give two examples doing this. The first example shows a script for the Microsoft Windows batch (.bat) file for processing 4 images demo-Accession.bat file (available on the Files Mirror. The second example shows the same commands in a shell script for a Unix operating system (Linux, MacOS, Solaris, etc.) is available at from the Files mirror at

The data for these scripts is in the demo/ directory available with the installation which also includes the scripts. Alternatively, you can download the demo data from the Files Mirror as Demo.Z.

The installation packages are available from the Files mirror under the Accession releases.

8.3.1 Examples - batch processing under Microsoft Windows

REM File: demo-Accession.bat - accession a sample gel 
REM This example assumes that all .jar files listed below and demo/ directory are
REM in the current directory. Modify for other situations. 
REM The JDK should be installed and version 1.4 or later is required.
REM You can download the latest JDK from
REM The files needed are listed below:
REM JAR files required and mentioned in manifest:
REM     xml-apis.jar xercesImpl.jar jai_codec.jar jai_core.jar O2Plib.jar
REM demo Files:
REM      demo/ppx/gel-HM-019
REM Accession database file is in:
REM      demo/xml/accession.xml
REM Generated Sample Spot-list Files (SSF) are saved in:
REM      demo/xml/
REM Generated images are saved in:
REM      demo/tmp/
REM P. Lemkin $Date$ 

echo "demo-Accession.bat"

date /T 

java -Xmx256M -jar Accession.jar -demo -gui -project:demo\ 

echo "-- Finished accessioning the samples ---"

date /T

8.3.2 Examples - batch processing under Unix (or MacOS-X)

Because java is relatively operating system independent, the same java command lines are used with the "\" changed to "/", "REM" changed to "#", and "DATE/T" to "date" from Windows to Unix script and file path conventions.

# File: - accession a sample gel 
# This example assumes that all .jar files listed below and demo/ directory are
# in the current directory. Modify for other situations.
# The JDK should be installed and version 1.4 or later is required.
# You can download the latest JDK from
# The files needed are listed below:
# JAR files required and mentioned in manifest:
#     xml-apis.jar xercesImpl.jar jai_codec.jar jai_core.jar O2Plib.jar
# demo Files:
#      demo/ppx/gel-HM-019
# Accession database file is in:
#      demo/xml/accession.xml
# Generated Sample Spot-list Files (SSF) are saved in:
#      demo/xml/
# Generated images are saved in:
#      demo/tmp/
# P. Lemkin $Date$ 

echo ""


java -Xmx256M -jar Accession.jar -demo -gui -project:demo/ 

echo "-- Finished accessioning the samples ---"


9. Accession References

These papers (a subset of the GELLAB-II papers), reference the GELLAB-II spot pairing program. The Open2Dprot Java-language Accession program was other Open2Dprot programs and concepts were used from the old GELLAB-II C-language program as well as from code from the MAExplorer and Flicker projects. This program will be replaced with a full XML editor that will make use of the new MIAPE standard. New Java code was added as well. Although Accession has been enhanced in many ways, the basic methods are similar so these papers may be useful for more details on the algorithm.

  1. Lipkin, L.E., Lemkin, P.F. (1980) Database techniques for multiple PAGE (2D gel) analysis. Clinical Chemistry 26, 1403-1413.

  2. Lemkin, P., Lipkin, L. (1981) GELLAB: A computer system for 2D gel electrophoresis analysis. I. Segmentation and preliminaries. Computers in Biomedical Research 14, 272-297.

  3. Lemkin, P., Lipkin, L. (1981) GELLAB: A computer system for 2D gel electrophoresis analysis. II. Pairing Spots. Computers in Biomedical Research 14, 355-380.

  4. Lester, E.P., Lemkin, P.F., Lipkin, L.E. (1981) New Dimensions in Protein Analysis - 2D Gels Coming of Age Through Image Processing, Invited paper, Analytical Chemistry 53, 390A-397A.

  5. Lemkin, P.F., Lipkin, L.E. (1983) Database Techniques for 2D Electrophoretic Gel Analysis, in Computing in Biological Science, Elsevier/North-Holland, M. Geisow, A. Barrett (eds), 181-226.

  6. Lemkin, P.F., Lipkin, L.E., Lester, E.P. (1982) Extensions to the GELLAB 2D Electrophoresis Gel Analysis System. Paper given at "Clinical Applications of 2D Electrophoresis", Mayo Clinic, Nov. 15-18, 1981. Clinical Chemistry 840-849.

  7. Lemkin, P.F., Lester, E.P. (1989) Database and Search Techniques for 2D Gel Protein Data: A Comparison of Paradigms For Exploratory Data Analysis and Prospects for Biological Modeling, Electrophoresis 10(2): 122-140.

  8. Lemkin, P.F. (1989) GELLAB-II, A workstation based 2D electrophoresis gel analysis system, in proceedings of Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis T. Endler, S.Hanash (Eds), Vienna Austria, Nov 8-11, 1988, VCH Press, W.Germany. pp 53-57.

  9. Lemkin, P.F., Rogan, P. (1991) Automatic Detection of noisy spots in two-dimensional Southern Blots, Applied and Theoretical Electrophoresis 2, 141-149.

  10. Myrick, J.E., Lemkin, P.F., Robinson, M.K., Upton, K.M. (1993) Comparison of the BioImage Visage(TM) 2,000 and the GELLAB-II two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis systems. Applied and Theoretical Electrophoresis 3, 335-346.

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