Flicker Vignette - How do I position gel images in the scrollable windows?

This vignette shows how do you position gel images in the left and right scrollable windows so the spot appears in the center of the cross-hairs.


Positioning window and trial object by Control-key/Mouse-Press

  1. Select the image you want to position by clicking on it. The title of the window will change from black to blue indicating it is selected.
  2. Press the CONTROL-key and then click on the spot you want to position in the cross-hairs. This will scroll the image window to the position.
  3. This DOES position the trial ojbect used when you flicker.

Positioning image window by image window scrollers

  1. Select the image you want to position by clicking on it. The title of the window will change from black to blue indicating it is selected.
  2. Move the image window horizontal and/or vertical position scrollers to change the position you want to view.
  3. This DOES NOT position the trial object used when you flicker.

Positioning the trial-object by draging the mouse

  1. Select the image you want to position by clicking on it. The title of the window will change from black to blue indicating it is selected.
  2. Press or drag the mouse to the spot you want to position in the flicker window. It will not change the position in the selected window.y
  3. This DOES position the trial object used when you flicker.

Setup for the demo

You need to have two images loaded in Flicker. The default when you start Flicker is to load the two human plasma gel images.

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Contact us     Flicker is a contributed program available at open2dprot.sourceforge.net/Flicker          Revised: 01/19/2004