Uses of Class

Packages that use SimpleTable

Uses of SimpleTable in O2Plib.table

Subclasses of SimpleTable in O2Plib.table
 class Table
          Class Table creates a table object with no data or data read from a tab-delimited file.

Methods in O2Plib.table that return SimpleTable
 SimpleTable Table.getTableRowsSubset(SimpleTable t, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String newTitle)
          getTableRowsSubset() - make new table subset of table by (field,key)
 SimpleTable Table.getTableRowsSubset(Table t, java.lang.String[] fieldList, java.lang.String[] newFieldList, java.lang.String[] urlPrefix, java.lang.String[] urlSuffix, int nFields, java.lang.String newTitle)
          getTableRowsSubset() - make new table of specified fields by fieldList[] and in the order in which they appear in the fieldList[].
 SimpleTable Table.insertTblInULHCtable(int nRows, int nCols, java.lang.String nTitle)
          insertTblInULHCtable() - insert table into U.L.H.C.

Methods in O2Plib.table with parameters of type SimpleTable
 Table Table.copyTable(SimpleTable st)
          copyTable() - copy SimpleTable data to this Table.
 SimpleTable Table.getTableRowsSubset(SimpleTable t, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.String newTitle)
          getTableRowsSubset() - make new table subset of table by (field,key)

Constructors in O2Plib.table with parameters of type SimpleTable
Table(SimpleTable st)
          Table() - constructor for creating table from a SimpleTable Errors are in (errMsg, errFlag).