Flicker Vignette - How do I compare my own images?

This vignette shows how you can compare your own gel images using Flicker.


  1. Flicker is able to handle GIF, JPEG or B&W TIFF formated images. If your images are in another format, then you must convert them one of these formats.
  2. First you must copy the directories of your images to the Images/ directory where you installed Flicker. For a MS Windows system, it is generally located at
         C:\Program Files\Flicker\Images\
  3. Then restart Flicker. This will read your image file directories to discover what you are making available.
  4. Go to the (File | Open user images | ...) to access pairs of your images. Note that the images appear as pairs of images as described in the Reference Manual Section 4.5. Select the pair of images you wish to analyze.
  5. After Flicker has loaded the images, proceed to compare them using the method described in the Vignette for comparing gel images.

Setup for the demo

Flicker is currently able to handle GIF, JPEG or B&W TIFF formated images. If your images are in another format, then you could convert them using Photoshop, ThumbsPlus ( www.cerious.com) or a similar tool to one of these formats.

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Contact us     Flicker is a contributed program available at open2dprot.sourceforge.net/Flicker          Revised: 01/19/2004