Flicker Vignette - How do I generate a list of all measured spots?

This vignette shows how do you can mark spots and generate a list of all measured intensity values for these spots. It is similar to the vignette for measuring spot intensity for a single spot.


  1. Enable the multiple spot list measurements using the (Quantify | Checkbox onList-of-spots else trial-spot measurement-mode (C-J)) menu checkbox.
  2. Set the measurement circle size for the size spots you want to measure using the meas circle diameter scroller. This sets the box around the circle as NxN to 1x1, 3x3, 5x5, ..., or 51x51.
  3. Select the (Quantify | Measure by circle | Capture background (C-B)) or type (C-B) to capture the background value
  4. Select the (Quantify | Measure by circle | Capture measurement (C-M)) or type (C-M) to capture the spot measurement value. You may use (ALT-key click) to both select the spot and add it to the measurement list in one operation.
  5. To delete a spot, click on the spot. Then use the (Quantify | Measure by circle | Delete selected spot from spot list(C-K)) command. The next spot you measure will get the next spot measurement number - it does not reuse measurement numbers.
  6. To edit a spot's annotation 'id' data, click on the spot. Then use the (Quantify | Measure by circle | Edit selected spot(s) 'id' field from spot list(s) (C-I)). If spots are selected in both images, then you can edit both spots together.
  7. To edit all of a spot's data, click on the spot. Then use the (Quantify | Measure by circle | Edit selected spot(s) from spot list(s) (C-E)). If spots are selected in both images, then you can edit both spots together.
  8. Repeatedly measure the spots you want using steps [2-7] as required.
  9. See the discussion on the various spot overlay options.
  10. You can review the list by first clearing the popup report window and then doing a (Quantify | Measure by circle | List spots in the spot list). You can also view the list as tab-delimited data that you can then either cut and paste into Excel.
  11. See the discussion on the various spot overlay options.
  12. You can review the list by first clearing the popup report window and then doing a (Quantify | Measure by circle | List spots in the spot list). You can also view the list as tab-delimited data that you can then either cut and paste into Excel.

Setup for the demo

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