Class CmpSpots

  extended by CmpSpots.Cmpglb
      extended by CmpSpots.CmpSpots

public class CmpSpots
extends Cmpglb

Class is a 2D PAGE SAMPLE spot pairing program for Open2Dprot

This code was derived and refactored from GELLAB-II cmpgl2 C language files "Version November 9, 1999", and the Open2Dprot CmpSpots program Java files.

This work was produced by Peter Lemkin of the National Cancer Institute, an agency of the United States Government. As a work of the United States Government there is no associated copyright. It is offered as open source software under the Mozilla Public License (version 1.1) subject to the limitations noted in the accompanying LEGAL file. This notice must be included with the code. The Open2Dprot Mozilla and Legal files are available on

$Date: 2005/12/22 11:41:31 $ $Revision: 1.38 $
P. Lemkin, NCI-Frederick, Frederick, MD, 21702

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class CmpSpots.Cmpglb
acc, accDatabaseFile, accFile, accFormatMode, AP, applicationName, argsV, asgn, banner, bannerTitle, baseImageFileNameRsample, baseImageFileNameSample, batchDir, cacheDir, cmpspotsURL, commutativeLMSswitch, CONSOLE_FLAG, CP, cs, data, DATE, dbLM, dbRsample, dbSample, DBUG_ALL_SSF_SPOTS, DBUG_APPEND, DBUG_ASSIGN_CODES, DBUG_ASSIGN_SSF_TO_LMS, DBUG_COMPUTE_RADII, DBUG_CONSOLE, DBUG_DUMP_LM_SET_SPOTS, DBUG_DUMP_PREFACE_EPILOGUE, DBUG_DUMP_SPF, DBUG_FIND_LMS_IN_SSFS, DBUG_FREE_0200000, DBUG_FREE_04000, DBUG_INITIAL_SPOT_PAIRING, DBUG_PRINT_AT, DBUG_PRINT_FULL_NODE_INFO, DBUG_PRINT_LMS_SET_SPOTS, DBUG_PRINT_LMS_SPOT_MAPPING, DBUG_READ_LANDMARKS, DBUG_READ_SSF_DATA, DBUG_SECONDARY_PAIRING, DBUG_SPECIFIC_SPOTS, DBUG_SWITCH_ANALYSIS, DBUG_SWITCHES, dBugBits, dbugBitsHelpStr, dBugLMsetList, debugSwitch, defaultSwitch, demoFileList, demoSwitch, docFileList, dtdSwitch, EP, fileSeparator, fio, fourSqrtPi, GS, ini, inPixFileRsample, inPixFileSample, inputFormatSwitch, isCsamplePrimeSwitch, jarFileList, jarLibrFileList, landmarkDatabaseFile, latchLandmarkSpotSwitch, legalImageFileExtens, LM, LMSETCOLOR, lmsFile, lmsFormatMode, MAX_LM_LATCH_THR, maxLatchDist, nbrAltLMSSwitch, nDbugLMsetList, NEVER, nlmDB, nSwitches, OPTBKGROUND, osName, pair, pair2ndary, paramH, pix, pix1, pix2, pixFileExtn, PP, ppxDir, pra, projDir, projDirSwitch, propertiesFile, propertiesFileSwitch, ps, PUBLISH, rdbmsDir, REVISION, rRoiDbug, rRoiDbugSwitch, RSAMPLE, rsampleName, rsampleSwitch, SAMPLE, sampleName, sampleSwitch, secondaryPairingSwitch, simplePixFileRsample, simplePixFileSample, sort, SP, spfFormatMode, spfFormatSwitch, spfOutputFile, spfOutputPrefaceFile, SPOTBOXCOLOR, sRoiDbug, sRoiDbugSwitch, ssfFileRsample, ssfFileSample, ssfFormatMode, ssfInputEpilogueFileRsample, ssfInputEpilogueFileSample, ssfInputFileRsample, ssfInputFileSample, ssfInputPrefaceFileRsample, ssfInputPrefaceFileSample, startTime, sw, switchOptCBvalue, switchOptData, switchOptValue, thrPPswitch, thrSPswitch, timerSwitch, tmpDir, updateSwitch, US, usageSwitch, USE_DEMO_DATA, useAccFileSwitch, useHistGUISwitch, useLmsFileSwitch, usePercentDensitySwitch, usePopupGUISwitch, userDir, util, VERSION, xmlDir
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
private  boolean lookupSampleEntryInAccDB(java.lang.String accNameData, java.lang.String accFieldName, java.lang.String accFile, DbSample dbSsf)
          lookupSampleEntryInAccDB() - lookup the sample image name in the accession DB.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          main() - for CmpSpots 2D spot-pairing program for Open2Dprot.
private  int pairSpotsBetweenSamples(java.lang.String[] args)
          pairSpotsBetweenSamples() - pair the two samples spot lists.
 void popupImageViewer()
          popupImageViewer() - popup the image viewer after the images were computed by the spot pairing.
private  char[] readSsfImage(java.lang.String imageFile, DbSample dbSsf)
          readSsfImage() - read the SSF image and set image status in the dbSsf instance
private static void resetResources(boolean fullResetFlag)
          resetResources() - reset any resources that must be reset for the next run of the spot pairing.
private  java.lang.String[] setupDebugSwitches(java.lang.String[] argv)
          setupDebugSwitches() - setup the debug switches
private static java.lang.String[] setupDemoSwitches(java.lang.String[] argv)
          setupDemoSwitches() - setup the demo switches for the "gel-HM-019" (HUMAN-AML) and "gel-HM-071" (Human-ALL) samples
private static java.lang.String[] setupMinDefaultsSwitches(java.lang.String[] argv)
          setupMinDefaultsSwitches() - add the minimum default switches.
Methods inherited from class CmpSpots.Cmpglb
get2D, get2D, initGlb, resetGlb, set2D
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CmpSpots()
Method Detail


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
main() - for CmpSpots 2D spot-pairing program for Open2Dprot.

args - is the argument list of command line
See Also:
CmpIni.switchAnalysis(java.lang.String[]), CmpReportPopup.setOutFileToCloseOnKill(, CmpReportPopup.setSaveAsFile(java.lang.String), CmpReportPopup.waitForUserClose(), CmpShowImage.showImageGUI(java.lang.String), FileIO#makeProjectDirs, Switches#cvtSwitchListToStr, Switches#getSwitchOptionsTableStr, Switches#mergeSwitches, Util#appendPRmsg, Util#getPrettyPrintCurrentDateStr, Util#showReportStatus, pairSpotsBetweenSamples(java.lang.String[]), resetResources(boolean), setupDebugSwitches(java.lang.String[]), setupMinDefaultsSwitches(java.lang.String[]), setupDemoSwitches(java.lang.String[])


private int pairSpotsBetweenSamples(java.lang.String[] args)
pairSpotsBetweenSamples() - pair the two samples spot lists.

exit code. It is 0 if succeed, else non-zero for errors this gets passed to System.exit(exit code).
See Also:
CmpAssign.assignSSFtoLMS(), CmpIni.additionalInit(), CmpIni.initSwitchOptionsData(), CmpIni.postProcessSwitches(), CmpIni.switchAnalysis(java.lang.String[]), CmpPair.findLMSinSsfs(), CmpPair.initialSpotPairing(), CmpPairSecondary.secondarySpotPairing(), DbAccession#loadAccessionDatabase, DbAccession#lookupSampleInAccDB, DbLM#computeLMSradii, DbLM#cvLMSIdx2Name, DbLM#lookupSamplePairLMS, DbLM#readLandmarkDatabase, DbPairSamples#setPairSamples, DbPairSamples#setPairingThresholds, DbPairSamples#writeEntireSPF, DbSample#assignRsampleToAllSpotsInSpotList, DbSample#readSSFdata, DbSample#setSampleNames, FileIO#discoverFileExtension, FileIO#makeProjectDirs, PopupFileDialog#popupFileDialog, Util#appendPRmsg, Util#calcStatusTimesReport, Util#fatalExit, Util#showReportStatus, lookupSampleEntryInAccDB(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, DbSample)


private boolean lookupSampleEntryInAccDB(java.lang.String accNameData,
                                         java.lang.String accFieldName,
                                         java.lang.String accFile,
                                         DbSample dbSsf)
lookupSampleEntryInAccDB() - lookup the sample image name in the accession DB.

accNameData - is the sample image name to search for. Do not specify the file extension.
accFieldName - is the accession field name
accFile - is the name of the accession file
dbSsf - is the SSF instance to use
true if succeed


private char[] readSsfImage(java.lang.String imageFile,
                            DbSample dbSsf)
readSsfImage() - read the SSF image and set image status in the dbSsf instance

imageFile - to read
dbSsf - to update
image array
See Also:
PixReader#clearImageReader, PixReader#getCharPix, PixReader#readImageFile


private static void resetResources(boolean fullResetFlag)
resetResources() - reset any resources that must be reset for the next run of the spot pairing.

fullResetFlag - force new resource allocation
See Also:
DbLM#init, DbSample#init, CmpData.reset(), Cmpglb.resetGlb()


private static java.lang.String[] setupMinDefaultsSwitches(java.lang.String[] argv)
setupMinDefaultsSwitches() - add the minimum default switches.

argv - is list of original switches
new argV merged switch list
See Also:
Switches#mergeSwitches, Util#cvs2Array


private static java.lang.String[] setupDemoSwitches(java.lang.String[] argv)
setupDemoSwitches() - setup the demo switches for the "gel-HM-019" (HUMAN-AML) and "gel-HM-071" (Human-ALL) samples

argv - is list of original switches
new argV merged switch list
See Also:
Switches#mergeSwitches, Util#cvs2Array


private java.lang.String[] setupDebugSwitches(java.lang.String[] argv)
setupDebugSwitches() - setup the debug switches

argv - list of original switches
new argV merged switch list
See Also:
Switches#mergeSwitches, Util#cvs2Array


public void popupImageViewer()
popupImageViewer() - popup the image viewer after the images were computed by the spot pairing.

See Also:
CmpShowImage.setPixDatabase(java.lang.String[], java.lang.String[], java.lang.String[], char[][], int, java.lang.String, int[], int[], boolean), CmpShowImage.showImageGUI(java.lang.String)