Uses of Class

Packages that use Roi

Uses of Roi in O2Plib.db

Methods in O2Plib.db with parameters of type Roi
 java.lang.String DbLM.cvtLMsetSpotsToStr(java.lang.String msg, int k, int nsample, Roi dbugRoi, boolean addXYcoordsFlag, boolean addAltLMsetsFlag)
          cvtLMsetSpotsToStr() - convert ONLY k'th LM set spots for specified sample to a readable formated string.
 java.lang.String DbLM.getDumpLMsetSpotsStr(int k, java.lang.String msg, Roi rRoiDbug, Roi sRoiDbug, boolean addXYcoordsFlag, boolean addAltLMsetsFlag)
          getDumpLMsetSpotsStr() - get a printable LM set k string of spots for both samples in readable format.

Uses of Roi in O2Plib.image

Fields in O2Plib.image declared as Roi
 Roi[] RoiList.roiList
          Roi list of size [0:nRoi-1]
 Roi RoiList.roiWORKING
          Internal "WORKING",ROI_WORKING instance that can be used to set the CW, DBUG or PIXDUMP (not the ND) Rois

Methods in O2Plib.image with parameters of type Roi
 boolean RoiList.addRoi(Roi newRoi, boolean showRoiFlag, int roiCode, java.awt.Color color)
          addRoi() - add new Roi to Roi list
 int[] PixFunctions.calcHistogram(DbSample dbS, Roi roi)
          calcHistogram() - compute grayscale histogram from image pixel data for sample dbS.
 void DrawOverlays.drawROIrectangle(java.awt.Graphics g, Roi roi, java.awt.Color color, int curPixWidth, int curPixHeight)
          drawROIrectangle() - draw a Region Of Interest rectangle if legal
 void DrawOverlays.drawROIrectangle(java.awt.Graphics g, Roi roi, java.awt.Color color, int zoomValue, int curPixWidth, int curPixHeight)
          drawROIrectangle() - draw a Region Of Interest rectangle if legal
 void DrawOverlays.drawRoiTickmarks(java.awt.Graphics g, Roi roi, int zoomValue)
          drawRoiTickmarks() - draw region of interest tick marks if either ULHC or LRHC but not both exist.
 void Roi.setROI(Roi srcRoi)
          setROI() - set the ROI from another ROI srcRoi if it exists.