Open2Dprot Subprojects Documentation Open2Dprot    

The following table lists links to the subproject documentation including reference manuals, PDF documents (include slide shows), tutorials, vignettes, demonstrations, and the Java code javadocs API (Application Programming Interface) for each module. Some of the links of the unreleased programs ("---) are not available yet and will be added when they are released. All of the demonstrations use the same demonstration data set but may use different aspects of the data. The particular demonstrations are described in the particular reference manual for each module.

The Open2Dprot XML schemas are described in a document and the current individual schemas are listed in a table.

Subproject Reference manual PDF documents Tutorials Vignettes Demonstrations javadocs
--- --- --- --- --- ---
Accession Ref. manual PDFs --- --- demonstration javadocs
Seg2Dgel Ref. manual PDFs --- --- demonstration javadocs
Landmark Ref. manual PDFs --- --- demonstration javadocs
AutoLandmark --- --- --- --- --- ---
CmpSpots Ref. manual PDFs --- --- demonstration javadocs
BuildCSD --- --- --- --- --- ---
CSDminer --- --- --- --- --- ---
O2Plib (library) Ref. manual PDFs --- --- --- javadocs

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